African Inspired Outfits ft O'milua


African Inspired Outfits ft O'milua

Hey Hey!  How's your week going? Mine has been good so far and I'm pretty excited about that. Can wait for the weekend. It's looking like it finna be lit. Today, we're going to be looking at two African inspired outfits courtesy Omilua. If you've been on the blog long enough, you should know by now that I love anything and everything African. I love it's vibrance and unpredictability. Get To Know TheRead More7 Comments

DIY: How TO Make A Hand Embroidered T-shirt

DIY: How TO Make A Hand Embroidered T-shirt

New Video Alert!! With spring season, comes wistfulness and the unavoidable embroidery trend. This trend has been in existence as long as fashion has existed but has found itself never being out of vouge. Even after dominating the art of decorative apparel, embroidery hasn't made as much noise as it is now. It has found its way to the very heart of brands like Gucci and made a tidal impact on every "fashionRead More1 Comments

My Wardrobe: The Perfect Guest


My Wardrobe: The Perfect Guest

A perfect example of a weekend event is weddings. Weddings can be really fun- The food, drinks, music and possibility of finding the love of your life but then there's the major problem of - What to wear.  If you're in this category, fear not, I'm here to save the day. Most wedding guests choose to buy the fabric of the day which is a good thing because African prints are very richRead More0 Comments

Valentine's Day Lookbook


Valentine's Day Lookbook

Happy Valentine's Day! For those with baes and boos, y'all better have a good time. I'm going to be neck deep in work so no valentines day for me. If you're planning to go out and you don't have what to wear, here's a video of four complete looks. We have both the day and night outfits lined up for you. The Day OutfitFor the day outfits, we have two semi casual looksRead More2 Comments

Launching a Youtube Channel


Launching a Youtube Channel

Currently, I've been occupied with a couple of projects. The first and most important is something my best friend (@unservile_fashionist)  and I have been working on for a year.  We're launching a Youtube channel. Exciting, right? I told you you were going to be happy when you found out why I was away.  This channel has been a year long  dream that has finally come to reality. The channel is more or less an extension ofRead More3 Comments

Why I've Been Away


Why I've Been Away

Just so you don't get bored. Hi loves, before I begin, I'd like to apologize for being away for so long. I have been overwhelmed with so much but I think it's getting better or rather it's getting easier to deal with the stress.  I'll let you know why I've been away later in my next post. I'm sure you'll be happy for me when I let you in on the secret. ForRead More1 Comments

My Wardrobe: My First Outfit in 2017


My Wardrobe: My First Outfit in 2017

I know this post sounds silly but I figured this look was post worthy because I happen to be wearing all my best outfits in 2016 on the first day of 2017. I swear it was totally unplanned. I wore this to a family lunch on New Year's Day. I'm just going to bore you a little with short stories about each item. I wouldn't be cool if I just dumped the pictures on you.Read More8 Comments