About Me

About Me

December 10, 2016 Unknown 7 Comments

Welcome to my blog. I'm glad you're reading this. I'm supposed to give a basic introduction about myself, what I love and whatever people put down in these intros but before that I would love you to know a little about me.
Drum roll...
My name is Adenowo Oluwaseyi Jessica. Most people don't know my name is Jessica so I'm putting it out there. I'm a graduate of Babcock University. I've never been more proud of being a graduate until recently. My love for books is out of this world. I'm a certified foodie. It's so bad that I literally imagine flavors in my head. I blame it on Food Network. I live in the moment. I love meeting people but have a hard time staying in touch but I'm working on it.  Don't stop now. Keep reading!
About the Blog
I started this blog about a year ago and my story isn't one of those stories of how I always wanted a blog and now I have one. No! This blog wasn't planned. In fact, I didn't even know when it happened. My friend who studied journalism in Ghana just wanted to show me how she did this project she was given in school. I actually stopped listening or looking at what she was showing me and the next thing I heard was, "What do you want the name of 'your blog' to be?". And that was it.
I saw myself having a blog but not like this, I wanted it big, I wanted it to be international and I didn't want to do all the work. I'm incredibly lazy when it comes to typing but I'm way better now. Don't think I need anyone to tell me that. As time went on, I started to fall in love with the blog, I wanted my voice to be heard. I didn't want to be a contributor to any magazine or blog. So having a personal blog was my best option. I love so many things. Actually, I think I love too many things so sticking to a niche was hard but I ended up with fashion, art (all forms), food, and lifestyle.
I'm still growing and learning to better myself. Still discovering what I love and what I don't.
"Learning never ends, Growing never ends, so don't be ignorant or feel too big to learn more. Embrace growth!"
I really love hearing from you guys. Never hesitate to comment. Be it a complaint, an encouragement or an input. I'm always ready to hear from you. Please don't forget to drop your details below. Would love to know you too. If you have a blog drop the links to your blogs or websites.
I think that should do it.

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    1. It's great that you enjoy blogging..I'll just encourage you to do more, never stop. This is just the beginning. I'm surprised you started in a year and you're already here...that's massive growth. Reach beyond the skies.

    2. It's great that you enjoy blogging..I'll just encourage you to do more, never stop. This is just the beginning. I'm surprised you started in a year and you're already here...that's massive growth. Reach beyond the skies.

    3. Nice read... I think this is the first time I am getting notification from my email for your blog... Nice write up. Put in your best effort and blogging will be so much fun..


    4. Haha we sound like we have a lot in common. I love books and I'm a foodie too. I also found it difficult carving out a niche for myself. You sound very passionate about blogging, can't wait to see what you have in store. xx


    5. I enjoyed reading this. All the best!


    6. I really enjoyed this post. Veriy catchy, and allows us to know you a bit more.I like your hair.
      And I like your honesty. Some people be forming as if blogs write themselves. The truth is it takes a lot of work.


    7. Thanks Bisi. True talk about coming up with posts. But we move still. I hope to see you around more.
