The High Museum, Atlanta Georgia, USA
A HIGH Museum?!!I'm sure a lot you are wondering "what in the world is a high or rather 'the High Museum'? To me, it's pretty much the best representation of contemporary and local art I have seen.
P.s. I haven't been there o! I just read about it and got really inspired to write about it.
Art means a lot of different things to different people. I'm no artistics analyst or critique but I'm a lover of art. And being a lover of art doesn't mean I would see the painting of a dot (literally 'a dot') and be wowed by it. Art to me is a piece not necessarily intended to be art but creates peace of mind just my looking at it. That's the feeling I got just my researching about this museum.
Well, the art has definitely got this girl feeling in some kind of way!! Lol @mobooola
Looking at this wonderful piece of art it looks like a painting but get this... It's not!! From below this is what it looks like
Amazing right?!
And be wowed by the beauty and simplicity of contemporary art. I don't know about you but this is no circus attraction.
If I were to describe what this sculpture means to me, I would probably write a sequel. Look closely it's not just sticks. It's stick men holding eachother up.